6. Magnet Drill Tooling & Accessories
- 6.1 Morse Taper Arbors
- 6.2 VersaDrive System
- 6.3 VersaDrive Adapters
- 6.4 Annular Cutters
- 6.5 Twist Drills
- 6.6 Tapping
Morse Taper Arbors
A morse taper arbor is a tapered tool holder that is inserted into the spindle of a magnet drill and holds tooling during use.
How to fit a Morse Taper Arbor:
To fit a morse taper arbor into the machine:
- 1. Ensure the machine is unplugged from the supply.
- 2. Check the morse taper socket in the machine is clean and free of any debris or swarf.
- 3. Check that the arbor or tool to be fitted is clean, undamaged and free from debris or swarf.
- 4. Align the tang of the arbor with the slot of the machine socket
- 5. Push up the arbor firmly making sure the tang has entered the machine slot.
- 6. If necessary, the arbor can be tapped with a soft mallet to ensure it has fully engaged into the taper.

How to remove a Morse Taper Arbor:
To remove a morse taper arbor from the machine:
- 1. Ensure the machine is unplugged from the supply.
- 2. Turn the spindle by hand to align the spindle slot with the gearbox housing slot.
- 3. Insert the drill drift supplied.
- 4. Tap the drift whilst ensuring the arbor does not drop and get damaged or cause injury.
- 5. REMOVE the drill drift from the machine.

VersaDrive Magnet Drill System

- 1. Morse Taper to 19.05mm (3/4”) Weldon Arbor (Coolant Version Optional).
- 2. VERSADRIVE RAPID LOCK Morse Taper Adaptor.
- 3. CARBIDEMAX TCT Broach Cutter.
- 4. VERSADRIVE RAPID LOCK Weldon Shank Adaptor. (Supplied)
- 5. VERSADRIVE Clutched Tapping Chuck.
- 6. VERSADRIVE Countersink Bit.
- 7. VERSADRIVE Step Drill.
- 8. VERSADRIVE Threading Tap.
- 9. VERSADRIVE Drill Bit.
- 10. VERSADRIVE Reamer.
- 11. Standard Morse Taper Drill.
- 12. Morse Taper Shank Drill Chuck.
- 13. Parallel Shank Drill.
VersaDrive Rapid Lock Adapters
The VERSADRIVE RAPID LOCK Weldon adaptor can be used to adapt magnetic drills for use with the VersaDrive system.
This adaptor fits directly into the Weldon arbor of the machine to allow rapid loading of all VERSADRIVE tools/cutters.
VERSADRIVE RAPID LOCK offers the following advantages:
- Single handed tool change.
- RAPID and secure tool changing.
- Quick Release mechanism.
- Wide variety of VERSADRIVE cutting tools available, Drill, Tap, Countersink, Ream, etc.
- No tools required (Chuck wrench, Allen Key, etc.)

Annular Cutters
Annular cutters only cut material at the periphery of the hole, rather than converting the entire hole to shavings. As a result, the energy required to make a hole is lower than for a twist drill. When drilling with an annular cutter, it is not necessary to drill a pilot hole.

WARNING: Do not touch the cutter or the parts close to the cutter immediately after use, they may be extremely hot and cause burns to the skin. Ensure nobody is in the work area where the metal core is ejected.

Drilling Conditions
The ease with which material can be drilled depends on several factors such as the tensile strength and hardness. Whilst hardness and/or strength is the usual criterion, wide variations in machinability can exist among material showing similar physical properties.
The drilling conditions are dependent on requirements for tool life and surface finish. These conditions are further restricted by the rigidity of the tool and the work piece, lubrication and machine power available. The harder the material, the lower the cutting speed.
Some materials of low hardness contain abrasive substances leading to rapid cutter wear at high speeds. Feed rates are governed by rigidity of set-up, volume of material to be removed, surface finish and available machine power.
Drilling a hole
Now that you have read the explanatory information and safety recommendations above, you are ready to start drilling. Follow these 13 steps below for best drilling results:
- 1. Install the annular cutter.
- Place the pilot pin into the cutter, as shown below

Insert the cutter and pin into the machine arbor, ensure both of the cutter shank flats align with the fixing screws on the machine arbor.
Once the cutter is aligned and pressed fully home tighten the two Allen screws with the key supplied.

- 2. Precisely mark the centre position of the of the hole on the workpiece.
- 3. Use the pilot pin to position the machine and in the correct position, with the tip of the pilot pin to meet the marked center of the hole.
- 4. Fix the machine by switching on the magnet and verify that the drill is in the right position and that the machine is fully secure on the work piece.
- 5. Open the valve/tap of the coolant system (if fitted) to allow the coolant oil to flow.
- 6. Switch on the motor and allow it to run up to the set speed.
- 7. Use the feed handle to lower the cutter to the workpiece, begin with relatively light pressure until a groove is formed.
- 8. Apply a regular pressure while drilling. The drilling performance does not improve by putting more pressure on the tool. Too much pressure will overload and slow the motor and as a result your annular cutter will become worn sooner. A continuous, non-discoloured iron swarf is a sign of correct drilling speed and a well-cooled, sharp cutter. Let the cutter do the job and give it time to cut the metal!!!
- 9. Adjust the coolant/lubrication supply as necessary.
- 10. As the cutter approaches break though, apply less pressure. The slug will be ejected out of the cutter by the pilot pin. Take care to ensure the ejected slug is contained and does not present a hazard
- 11. Once the slug is ejected, with the cutter still rotating, reverse the feed handle back until the output shaft is in its highest position and stop the motor unit.
- 12. Remove any burrs, metal chips and clean the cutter and surface wearing PPE, safely.
- 13. To remove the annular cutter, hold the cutter whilst releasing the two fixing screws, and pull down the cutter.
After drilling the cutter can be hot, resulting in a tighter fitment inside the output shaft. If this makes the cutter hard to remove, wait a few minutes for the cutter to cool down and try again.
Caution: The ejected metal core piece drilled out can be sharp and very hot!!
Quick Release Arbor
Holemaker Technology also offer a quick release morse taper arbor, helping to speed up tool fitting and tool change
Fitting the Coolant/Quick-release Arbor:
- 1. To fit the cutter, lift the collar arrowed.
- 2. Insert the cutter and rotate until the flats of the cutter align with the retainers in the arbor.
- 3. Release the collar it should drop to its original position.
- 4. Check cutter is secure before use.

Twist Drills
A twist drill is a rod of metal with a number of flutes running down the majority of the shaft. They can be used for creating holes in a variety of materials but most commonly in metal.
Magnet drilling machines can usually be used with a variety of twist drills. The specific versions available for use with any particular drill will depend on the specific drill and its construction so care should be taken to check the user manual before assuming drill bits will automatically work with a machine.
Types of twist drill available include:
- 1) HMT VERSADRIVE shank drills – use these with the Versa Drive Rapid Lock Weldon Adaptor.
- 2) Weldon shank drills – fitted directly into the Weldon arbor.
- 3) Morse taper shank drills – Use with the Weldon arbor removed.
- 4) Plain shank drills used in 3 jaw drill chuck – drill chuck replaces Weldon arbor.
How to Tap with a Magnet Drill
Magnet drills with a reversible motor direction can be used for applications such as tapping and threading a hole, preparing them to accept bolts for fastening.
Where reverse functions are available, the tap can be driven in to the hole in the forward direction and then stopped, put in to reverse and backed out smoothly.
A range of HMT tapping accessories are available, please see the website or online catalogue for the full list.
It is advisable to use the Weldon Shank Versa Drive Clutched Chuck for tapping of blind holes.
When tapping with a magnetic drill it is best to use either spiral flute or spiral point taps to ensure the flutes stay clear of swarf. Swarf in the flutes creates excess drag and loads the motor.
To tap a through hole using a drill/cutter and tap:
- 1) Drill the through hole as normal to the tapping diameter for the thread to be cut. DO NOT switch off the magnet or move the drill.
- 2) Fit the tap directly into the machine of via a tap holder and apply cutting compound or spray lubrication to both tap and workpiece.
- 3) Set the tapping speed, maximum torque is required for tapping so use the gear change to slow the spindle and maintain the electronic speed control to a high setting where possible.
- 4) Ensure the direction switch is in the forward direction and START the spindle.
- 5) Lower the tap with the feed handle, when it comes into contact with the workpiece it will begin to feed through on its own due to the pitch of the tap.
- 6) When the lead of the tap has cleared the thickness of the plate STOP the spindle.
- 7) Whilst the spindle is STOPPED switch over the direction switch to reverse.
- 8) START the drill in reverse, the tap will begin to feed out of the hole. TAKE CARE to anticipate the feed handles rotating as the tap reverses out of the hole.
- 9) Once the tap has left the hole the drill unit can be raised and the spindle STOPPED.