15X Faster than Hand Tapping
VersaDrive® ImpactaTaps for Galvanised Bolts have an oversized thread to compensate for the increased thickness of coating found on galvanised steel fabrications or galvanised fixings.
VersaDrive® ImpactaTaps perform best when adapted for use with an Impact wrench for through holes. However, they can also be adapted for use in a reversible Magnet Drill, or even used with any standard Hand Tap wrench.
- Fast Tapping with Minimal Kickback; Specially hardened for Impact Wrench use
- Chipbreaker action for Automatic chip clearance when Impact Tapping
- Unique Dual-Point Starting Angle for easy alignment and fast cut
- High Grade Tool Steel with Ground Flutes for high accuracy & long life
- High Strength, Non-slip Shank Design
Galv Taps have an oversized thread to compensate for the increased thickness of coating found on galvanized steel fabrications or galvanised fixings.
VersaDrive ImpactaTap - Metric Coarse Oversized - For Galvanized fittings
- 308020 ImpactaTaps are recommended for through hole applications only.
- Pilot drill the exact tapping size hole for best results
- Select the correct torque power for impact wrench/drivers using the data range in the Torque / RPM guide below. If exact match is not available select the closest torque setting above the recommendation.
- Apply firm, steady feed pressure throughout the cut
- Ensure the Tap is inserted squarely to the hole - poorly aligned or off-centre taps will greatly increase the risk of breakage.
- When using cordless tools, consider that the torque may drop once the battery charge becomes low. Keep batteries well charged. Low battery charge can lead to lower torque which can break or damage taps as point 3.
- Ensure regular application of quality cooling lubricant, especially when drilling thick or hardened materials.
- Hardened or heat-affected materials may require higher torque, reduced RPM and feed rates and extra coolant
- Flame cut/punched holes will require more torque to tap than drilled holes due to heat build up. Caution: Sometimes flame cut holes do not have parallel sides meaning risk of tap breakage.
- Tap the hole in one pass where possible, applying adequate lubrication before you start.
- If the tap is over-run from the hole once it is tapped, to remove the risk of cross-threading/damage to the tap, remove the tap from the adapter and locate it in the thread by hand, before reversing.
- When re-threading an existing thread, use caution to avoid cross-threading which can lead to tap breakage or thread damage. It is advisable to insert/start the tap into the thread by hand before driving it through at the correct torque
Use the tables below to identify the recommended Nm of Torque or RPM for your hole size and material.
Use Nm of Torque for tapping with Impact tooling.
Use RPM for tapping with Rotary tooling.
N.B. Impact Torque recommendations are the minimum required and for most applications additional torque is a benefit. For Impact applications where Torque values available do not offer an exact match to the table below select the closest available torque setting ABOVE the recommendation.
VersaDrive tooling can be used with a wide range of adapters that allow the products to be used across a variety of drive tools depending on the application required.
Below you will find the recommended adapters for the VersaDrive 308020 Metric Coarse Oversized ImpactaTap.
- Identify the torque range (for the cutting tool) required using the data sheet in question 2. (Example M12 in 12mm plate – Guide torque 320Nm)
- Identify the torque range on your impact wrench or impact driver
- Look up model number to see torque range
- Check if there are speed/torque settings on the tool - Example
- Select the closest torque setting on the impact wrench/impact driver ABOVE the torque recommendation
(this is for the following 2 reasons)
- Higher torque will only be used on demand
- Too low torque will lead to the tool jamming or even snapping as the flutes stop cutting and the torque transfers to the tool

How to load a ImpactaTap into an Impact Driver adapter
Using a ImpactaTaps on medium thickness Stainless Steel
Using a M24 ImpactaTap on 25mm thick S275 Structural Steel
How to use an ImpactaTap with a standard Magnet Drill
How to use an ImpactaTap with a VersaDrive Magnet Drill & 111035 Rapid Lock Adapter
How to use an M6 ImpactaTap in a Pistol Drill Chuck
How to prevent cross threading if you over-tap the threads
How to use an ImpactaTap in a Hand Tapping Wrench
How to use an ImpactaTap with a hand ratchet (for blind or through hole tapping)